Showing posts with label social. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Upstream Oil and Gas Industry in Papua and Maluku Opens Migas Corner at Universitas Pattimura

Upstream Oil and Gas Industry in Papua and Maluku Opens Migas Corner at Universitas PattimuraAMBON, LELEMUKU.COM - SKK Migas’ Representative Office for Papua and Maluku (Pamalu) Region and Oil and Gas Contractors operating in the region opened Migas Corner (Oil and Gas Corner) at Universitas Pattimura (Unpatti) on Thursday (24/5) in Ambon, Mollucas Province. 

The Migas Corner, located on the 3rd floor of Unpatti Library was officially inaugurated by Rector of Unpatti, Prof. Dr. M. J. Saptenno S.H., M. Hum. and Head of SKK Migas’ Representative of Pamalu Region, DR A. Rinto Pudyantoro MM CA., AK.

“Migas Corner is a form of our commitment to continually contribute to the academic environment, especially universities,” Rinto revealed.

This Migas Corner will be filled with a collection of literature on the upstream oil and gas industry, profiles of Oil and Gas Contractors operating in Pamalu Region, and audio-visual materials on relevant topics. “Hopefully, this Migas Corner can be an information center for Unpatti lecturers and students who are interested in learning more about the upstream oil and gas industry,” Rinto added.

Unpatti Rector Prof. Dr. M. J. Saptenno S.H., M.Hum. supports the presence of Migas Corner at Unpatti. The presence of Migas Corner is expected to help improve the understanding of the people in Maluku Province with respect to the upstream oil and gas industry operation processes.

“The presence of Migas Corner is expected to help people understand the importance of oil and gas energy,” the rector said.

Unpatti itself has initiated efforts to improve the quality of human resources related to petroleum. In 2017, Unpatti opened Department of Geological Engineering. The total number of students taking the major is 15 people and all of them receive scholarships from the Government. In this 2018 admission, in addition to the Department of Geological Engineering, Unpatti will open admission for students of Department of Geophysical Engineering and Department of Petroleum Engineering.

“Hopefully, by 2019 we will have opened Faculty of Energy and Petroleum,” DR Muspida M. Si, Vice Rector of Unpatti for Planning, Cooperation and Information Systems, told.

On the same day, SKK Migas’ Representative Office for Pamalu Region and Oil and Gas Contractors in that region also held a guest lecture at Unpatti. In the guest lecture session, Oil and Gas Contractors of Pamalu Region had the opportunity to present profiles and operational activities in their respective working areas.

Rinto said that this guest lecture activity is the beginning of the Upstream Oil and Gas Teaching program initiated by the SKK Migas’ Representative Office of Pamalu Region. Through the Upstream Oil and Gas Teaching activities, people working in the upstream oil and gas industry from various disciplines will be present in the lecture classes at Unpatti.

“With the Upstream Oil and Gas Teaching Program, the presence of the upstream oil and gas industry at the campus will be more intensive and frequent,” Rinto concluded. (HumasSKKMigas)

SKK Migas Pamalu Holds a Media Gathering in Ambon

SKK Migas Pamalu Holds a Media Gathering in AmbonAMBON, LELEMUKU.COM - SKK Migas and Oil and Gas Contractors of Papua and Maluku (Pamalu) Region, held a media gathering on Wednesday, (23/5) in Ambon, Maluku Province. 

The theme of the event, which was attended by 19 journalists from Papua and Maluku region and public relations practitioners from Oil and Gas Contractors is “Upstream Oil and Gas: Then, Now and For Better Tomorrow”.

Head of the SKK Migas Representative Office for Pamalu Region, A. Rinto Pudyantoro said that besides aiming to build a relationship with the media crew, this activity also aims to provide an opportunity for SKK Migas, Oil and Gas Contractors, and media crew to review the performance of the upstream oil and gas industry in the past, now, and in the upcoming days. 

“We have to take note on what has been done in the past and from that note we can then evaluate what we can improve in the future,” Rinto revealed.

The event also announced that SKK Migas and Oil and Gas Contractors of Pamalu Region would hold a Journalistic Writing Competition for journalists in Pamalu Region. Head of Public Relations Department of SKK Migas’ Representative of Pamalu Region, Galih W. Agusetiawan, informed that the media gathering is one of the series of activities. Earlier on 11 May 2018, field trips to operational areas in Bula and Seram were conducted. 

The second activity is the media gathering held today. The next events as part of the series of activities will be the Journalistic Writing Competition and Memoir Book Writing which tells the performance of some Oil and Gas Contractors of Pamalu Region whose contracts are about to expire.

 “This series of activities aims to provide more public information related to upstream oil and gas activities in Pamalu region,” Galih concluded. (HumasSKKMigas)

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Crucifixion in Ambon Potentially Becomes a Religious Tourism Object

Jalan Salib di Kota Ambon Potensial jadi Objek Wisata Religius
AMBON, LELEMUKU.COM - Maluku Provincial Government Officer Zeth Sahuburua assessed that The Crucifixion held in Ambon City, besides being a ritual ceremony held on Easter commemoration, could also fill the regional tourism calendar, especially religious tourism.

The same thing has been done in the process of The Crucifixion in Larantuka, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), has been very global. Iven is famous as a religious tourism activities that are attended by domestic and foreign tourists.

"Hopefully, the process of the Crucifixion in Maluku will also be worldwide," said Sahuburua when he unloaded the procession of the Cross Road, which crosses a number of main roads in Ambon City on Friday (30/3).

In the atmosphere of facing the Easter Christ 2018, Sahuburua invites Christians in this area to give thanks to the presence of God, who, by Love and unfortunately, we are all guided to this day.

"Today Christians in the province of Maluku, in Indonesia and even around the world have entered the weeks of the Passion of Jesus Christ or whom we know on Easter Sunday, and at this moment an event aimed at commemorating Jesus' sacrifice for the salvation of mankind, even the people of this world, organized by the brothers of Catholics in the city of Ambon and surrounding areas, "he said.

The procession of the dramatization of the passion narrative of Jesus Christ or the procession of The Crucifixion, he says, must have a deep message and meaning.

"This is not just an open, public outcome, but a procession of Christian belief and conviction that a person is willing to suffer, willing to sacrifice his soul and body for the benefit of many," Sahuburua said.

And this passion of the Passion of Jesus Christ, judged, is a sign of God's solidarity with man. This passionate story also wants to affirm that suffering and misery are part of the history of mankind that exists throughout the world.

"All that, is a portrait of the world today, which is a threat of suffering for us. Against such a social reality, this event may find its relevance. Religions are present to provide answers to the reality of suffering to answer the challenges of the future that we face, '' he explained.

Therefore, Sahuburua continued, one of the most fundamental values ​​in this process is sacrifice. That true life is not life for oneself, but life is meaningful to others.

"Well this is very relevant to the current context, when humans tend to seek solace and seek self-satisfaction," he said.

The Via Dolorosa Road, said Sahuburua, means taking the path of misery, and living meaningfully for others. It also requires sacrifice and willingness to suffer.

"Like the figure of Jesus Christ to be remembered through the process of The Crucifixion  carried out by our brothers Catholics in the city of Ambon and surrounding areas, '' he said.

Interestingly also from this event, the value of Sahuburua, that in addition to the Catholics, this event also involves all the churches in Maluku, especially in the city of Ambon.

In other words, he added, this activity is ecumenical, cross-church and cross-denominational. This is one thing that should be greeted with joy, because the churches are getting united, the churches continue to work together and do activities that are certainly beneficial to the people.

"We also hope the inter-church cooperation continues closely including building cooperation between religions and the government, '' said Sahuburua. (HumasMaluku)

TNI Integrated Village Development in MTB Reached 100 Percent

Ryan Heryawan Kunjungi 3 Desa Lokasi TMMD di Maluku Tenggara Barat
BATU PUTIH, LELEMUKU.COM - Military commander in Saumlaki, West Southeast Maluku regency (MTB), Maluku province, Lieutenant Colonel Infantry Ryan Heryawan visited 3 villages where the 100th  Army's Integrated Village Development (TMMD) was built.

The three villages that are the location of TMMD are Batuputih Village, Wermatang Village and Marantutul Village in Wermaktian Subdistrict which has been held since April 4 until May 3, 2018.

According to Ryan, TMMD has already built infrastructure facilities, including the construction of rebound roads and long roads, retaining walls, 10 habitable houses and 3 housing units for health workers.

"Development progress has reached 100 percent," he said during a live monitoring in 3 villages on Wednesday (11/04).

He revealed the funding source for the TMMD work is allocated from the Regional Budget (APBD) of MTB District amounting to 1 billion rupiah by mobilizing 150 TNI and Police personnel and assisted by the local community.

"All personnel that we muster 150 personnel both TNI and Police in the three villages. During TTMD walking they live in people's homes. We also provide money to eat and money we love to the community with a record can be used with the community, so eat together with the community, "said Ryan.

He hopes that through this activity can be an example for the local government of MTB in infrastructure development in the village and can answer the needs of the villagers. (Aksamina Masela)

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Jokowi Aims To Boost Economy and Social Justice in Maluku

Jokowi Aims To Boos Economy and Social Justice in MalukuAMBON, LELEMUKU.COM - Infrastructure development undertaken by the government aims to boost the economy and achieve equitable social justice, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stated before members of the Islamic Students Association (HMI) here on Wednesday.

"It is necessary to prioritize the development of infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, ports, and airports, as well as reservoirs and power plants to sustain our national economy in order to compete with other countries," Jokowi noted in his speech to open the 30th Congress of HMI at the Pattimura University.

The president asserted that in addition to boosting the economy, infrastructure development is also a tangible embodiment of the fifth principle of Pancasila that aims to realize social justice for all Indonesian people.

The head of state paid a visit to Ambon in Maluku Province to open the HMI Congress and to observe the construction of a labor-intensive project in Batumerah Village, Siriamau Sub-district.

In the company of Minister of Village, Regional Development, and Transmigration Eko Putro Sandjojo as well as Governor of Maluku Said Assagaff, the president observed the activities of people involved in the restoration of the river`s function in Batumerah Village on Wednesday.

"The projects are handled by the Ministry of Villages, Underdeveloped Regions, and Transmigration as well as the Ministry of Public Works and People`s Housing. Several labor-intensive projects are being constructed in Ambon," Jokowi pointed out.

The president also greeted people from areas located in proximity to the project and had been waiting since morning to catch a glimpse of him.

Some people also lauded Jokowi for the Village Development Funds aimed at improving the development of basic infrastructure to boost the people`s economy. (Antara)

Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Indonesian Music Conference in Maluku is Growing

AMBON, LELEMUKU.COM - 9 March became the last day of the Indonesian Music Conference at Ambon City Cultural Park, Maluku Province to celebrate National Music Day March 9, 2018.

A number of agreements resulted in the Indonesian Music Conference (KAMI) whose results were read by the chairman of the Indonesian Music Conference, Glenn Fredly.

President Joko Widodo himself welcomed the celebration of National Music Day which took place today by sending a video of congratulations to hold the Indonesian Music Conference and celebrate National Music Day which coincided with the birthday of Wage Rudolf Soepratman, the national anthem creator.

"The music we keep in existence, hopefully the existence of national music more acknowledged its existence globally.Live life without music feels bland," said President in his cuitannya uploaded today, Friday, March 9, 2018.

Through the video included in the cuitannya, the President also hopes that with the holding of the first Indonesian Music Conference held on March 7-9, 2018 in Ambon, Indonesian music people able to formulate and fight for Indonesian music to continue to grow and recognized its existence in the global realm. (*)

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Joko Widodo Signed The Inauguration of Hindu and Buddha Centers in Ambon

Joko Widodo Signed The Inauguration of Hindu and Buddha Centers in AmbonAMBON, LELEMUKU.COM - President Joko Widodo signed a plaque to mark the inauguration of Hindu and Buddha Centers at Pattimura airport in Ambon, Maluku province, before leaving for his next visit to South Sulawesi.

"Two years ago he also inaugurated Christian and Catholic Centers right in the same place," Maluku governor Said Assegaff said after seeing off the president and entourage.

He said the Hindu and Budha centers will complete the Islamic, Christian and Catholic centers that have been established before.

The setting up of the centers of five religions is aimed to make Maluku the best inter-religious harmony laboratory in Indonesia, he said.

"I think no other province has had such a place. Perhaps they have Islamic centers but not Christian or Catholic centers let alone Hindu and Buddha centers," he said.

He said the five religious center buildings were not in the same location but in different places. 

He said President Joko Widodo had oredered him as well as the regional police and military chiefs to maintain security stability in the region.

"He told a lot about Afghanistan just now and so our country must be strong and there must not be any conflict in our country. We must maintain the brotherhood," he said.

To nurture inter-religious harmony he said he has also prepared land to develop multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural estates.

"It is around eight hectares. We wish to set an example," he said. 

He said the provincial government would provide the land, the minisyry of public works the houses and the minisyrybof religious affairs the mosques, churches and temples.

"President was happy to hear about the idea," he said.

President Joko Widodo visited Ambon to among others open the congress of the Islamic Student Association (HMI). (Antara) 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Push to decriminalise homosexuality in PNG

PORT MORESBYT (PNG) - Dame Carol says she believes homosexuality should be treated as a health and human rights issue and not as a criminal offence.She says doing this can help reduce the HIV rate and benefit the entire country.

The Catholic Bishops' Conference for Solomon Islands and PNG, which runs HIV support services, has offered qualified support for Dame Carol's stance.But the General Secretary, Father Victor Roach, has told Radio Australia's Pacific Beat they cannot support it outright.

"If [a homosexuality allegation] is brought to the court and it has to be tried, I think the Church is against it," he said.Last year, PNG, Samoa and Solomon Islands told the United Nations they would not decriminalise homosexuality despite pledges by Palau and Nauru to do so.

Dame Carol told Pacific Beat, the British colonial laws and Christian influence have erased homosexuality from the country's history."There's a lot of denial going on in all our countries when they're saying that homosexuality was brought in by the western world," she said."

To be quite frank, that's not true. Anthropoloogical writings make it very clear that homosexuality did exist traditionally, and often it was ritualised in initiation ceremonies in cetrain areas of Papua New Guinea." (RadioAustralia)